If I have a completed manuscript or term paper that I want to submit to the globe, where would I do that?

If you have a completed manuscript or term paper, you can either email a SHARABLE copy in Microsoft Word or Google Docs format to theglobegwu@gmail.com OR fill out the form on the submissions page of our website!

If I have an idea for a project or manuscript, but want more guidance before I begin, what should I do?

The Globe’s senior staff is happy to help anyone who wants guidance before beginning their work! Send an email to theglobegwu@gmail.com, and we will put you in contact with one of our managing editors, who will set up a meeting with you to discuss your work!

What happens once I submit my manuscript?

Once you submit your manuscript to The Globe, you will be put in contact with representatives from our editing team, who will guide you through the reviewing process to ensure your work is ready for publication!

What are some benefits to publishing with The Globe?

Not only is publishing with The Globe an impressive addition to any resume, but publication also provides contributors with vital writing, research, and editing skills that are absolutely necessary in progressing your academic and career goals. In addition, publishing with The Globe introduces you to a network of fellow contributors who are all doing amazing things within and outside the journal!